Le meilleur du mode de vie zéro déchet

Zero Waste Shopping Etiquette
Since zero waste as a movement is a fairly new phenomenon, we thought that defining and sharing a set of guidelines inspired by our own zero waste ...

Edible gift ideas for zero waste holidays
A gift that you make yourself is special, because the time you spend making it will be appreciated as much as the gift itself. You can also tailor ...

The how to of zero waste pumpkin carving
Every year, millions of pumpkins are sent to landfill between Thanksgiving and Halloween. It doesn’t have to be that way, because everything in a p...

Happy Hallogreen!
It’s Halloween! Gaggles of trick-or-treating kids in shiny costumes will soon roam our streets. We will stock up on wrapped candies and decorate ou...

Back to School! Our tips and recipes for zero waste snacks and lunches
School lunches are a major source of packaging waste. Fortunately, this waste is entirely preventable! Here are a few tips to make school and work ...

Shop local, but why?
Throughout the pandemic we’ve been told repeatedly to “shop local” and support our local businesses. There is no doubt that small local businesses ...

How to plan a low-emissions BBQ!
If you think driving your car and buying an iced coffee in disposable plastic is your biggest vice this summer, think again!
Would you believe that...

Ecology Ottawa's Robb Barnes: Why waste matters to climate action
When it comes to local climate action in Ottawa, the path forward offered by municipal officials – and even advocates like Ecology Ottawa – can see...

Valerie’s top 10 picks for a zero waste outdoor adventure
I absolutely love to spend time in nature, and even more so since launching NU! As a small business owner, I breathe my business, and separating wo...

What’s the buzz with honey bees? A visit with beekeeper Emily Briffa
Honey bees are essential to our food systems, but their population is declining. What can we do? We asked our beekeeper Emily Briffa!
Honey bees ar...

9 façons d'utiliser le savon de Castille
On adore le savon de Castille liquide. C'est du savon sous sa forme la plus pure et naturelle, et il peut être utilisé de toutes sortes de façons. ...

Nos trois laits végétaux préférés !
Avez-vous déjà fait la transition ? Ce n'est pas par hasard si les laits végétaux gagnent en popularité ! Leur impact environnemental est bien infé...